
Showing posts from 2017

Summer Lovin'

     Hot diggity. Summer is right around the corner. You know what that means; slowly screwing up my sleep schedule and becoming nocturnal all while eating too much ramen. However, that was last year, this year is going to be different. In high school, I'm taking a zero hour class, which mean I have to be at school by 6:55am. Darn. I am the complete opposite of a morning person. However, this summer I am determined to change that. I'm slowly going to wean myself off of the hours I sleep. So each morning, I'll set my alarm a little bit earlier until I get up to 6:00am. So by then, I'll be used to waking up early. Since I'm lonely, I'll mostly be watching Netflix over summer. Unfortunately, I'm down on shows. Does anyone have any tv show suggestions? Anyway, I'm sure only half of my summer will be bad (mornings ;-;)  What are your summer plans?

Call Me Creepy

     I'm a strange person with strange interests. It's weird. If you've read one of my posts from a few months back, you'll now that I have an interest with serial killers and unsolved cases. They're just so interesting. I make my parents worried because of my obsession. I mean, it's not like I'll become a serial killer...Right? When I told my dad I wanteded book called E ncyclopedia of Serial Killers by Michael Newton ,  he was completely mortified. My favorite unsolved cases are of course, the Zodiac killer, and the Black Dahlia, but I also love the murder of       . It's all just so lovely. I am what you'd describe as creepy. You can call me creepy all you want, trust me I know.  Not only do I like the gore of the killers, I also love the psychology. It's so interesting to get into the mind of killers and find out what drove them to kill. If you're like me and want the book, you can get it of Amazon. Money well spent.

Ukrainian Hip Hop

     I love all kinds of music; rock, pop, alternative, jazz, rap, Ukrainian hip hop, all kinds. I just really love music. Music is my life. It makes me feel happy, sad, relaxed. I play music and I write music. It's so great. If you've ever listened to music, you'll know that it makes you want to dance. I don't know why we can the impulse to dance then we hear that funky fresh music (sorry). The other day I was playing that dank Seinfeld theme on my piano, and I was just jamming to it. A bit later I hoped in the shower and realized that the lit theme song was still in my head. So I decide it was a good idea to dance in the shower. Well I slipped and fell. I fell because I was dancing to the Seinfeld theme song, which was playing in my head. Wow. I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea. I guess I wasn't cognizant as to what I was doing. What is some kind of music you like? Might I recommend some Ukrainian hip hop, it's pretty great.

"He's handsome, he's tall that is from side to side"

     Ah yes, the spring musical. This year, we are doing Fiddler on the Roof . The title is a lyric from the song, Matchmaker , where my friends roast me. I play Yente, the Matchmaker. The show is this weekend and I can't believe that it's almost over. It feel like just yesterday I was auditioning. The week before the show is called "tech week" where we practice until eight and do daytime shows with costumes, makeup, light, sound, everything. Tech week is the most crucial part of the show. It's truly phenomenal the way the show is coming together. I'm so sad that it's my last year with the d100 musical, since it's 4-8th grade. I've always loved the musical and I'm going to miss it and everyone in it. Ah, tradition!

Hopes and Dreams (and dead bodies)

     "What do you want to be when you grow up?" A question I dread. It's like one moment, you have it all figured out. Then the next, it's like Armageddon. I have so many interests—it's hard to pick a profession. But I don't have to decide now, right? However, if I did, I would choose something medical. Maybe a doctor, a surgeon. I would also like to be a medical examiner or something in forensics. Investigating bodies, figuring out how they died. The thing that really peaks my interest is anthropology. Mostly because I'm a sucker for human evolution and culture. I'm the least decisive person, so I don't know what I would do if I had to pick. But I suppose I have a lot of time to decide. I am a little apprehensive to grow up, though. But that's a topic for another blog.

The Easter Games

     Nothing says Easter like fighting to the death with the people you love. My immediate family isn't religious, but my extended family is. So we are courteous enough to celebrate. My Easter was pretty great. We don't get to see our extended family all that often to it was delightful to see them again. We ate the finest food I've ever had, it was turkey and homemade potatos (I've been living off ramen for the last month so this was a step up). We ate at 3:00, which is strange. I suppose that's the universal time to eat dinner when it's a holiday. After dinner, my cousins and I battled with foam swords and shields. It was like the roman times all over again. We jumped a few fences to get to the park, later on. At the park, we played a playground game called Woodchips, where the person that's "it" has to walk around with their eyes closed and try to tag someone. If you're touching the ground the the person called "woodchips!" Then the...

200 Hours and Counting

     I'm a Netflix junkie. Over break, I defied the laws of time by watching around 200 hours of Netflix. I have no regrets. To others, my spring break could be described as sad, lonely, or solitary confinement, but I think of it as dramatic, tear jerking, and fun. I binged watched Grey's Anatomy,  The Office, and The Guild. I had enough frozen hot pockets and Coca Cola to last my entire exhibition. It was a journey filled with love and hatred and tears. I have no life. My mother is concerned for my wellbeing. What are your favorite Netflix shows?

Life is Beautiful

     We recently watched the movie "Life is Beautiful" to tie off our Holocaust unit. As you might assume, the movie is about an Italian man and his family who get separated during the Holocaust. This movie reminded me of a poem we read back in the beginning of the unit called "Butterfly". It was written by a child living in a ghetto. I felt that the child who wrote it thought that the Holocaust was something only temporary and that everything would be okay, kind of like the child in the movie. The child in the movie and the children who wrote these poems also share similarities.      The movie integrates humor and seriousness throughout. The father in the film pretends that the Holocaust is a game, and that if they get 1,000 points, they win. He is doing this to spare his son from fear. This alone shares humor and seriousness. The father even tells the son that they'll get extra points if the son hides when the officers call for the children to be put to...

Fake Everything

     We watched a video of this woman talking about faking emotions until you eventually feel that way. So I'd like to write about something I'd fake, in order to become it. I would fake my confidence. I can either be extremely cocky, or really quiet. If I recall correctly, the lady mentioned something about power posing. She said power posing for tea minutes can be a great confidence booster. A power pose is like standing with your legs shoulder width apart, with your hands on your hips. Or just a pose that you'd associate with confidence. She said that they did an experiment with people doing either a power pose, or a non-power pose. The study showed that people who power posed showed more confidence than someone who didn't. So if I were to fake my confidence, eventually I'd become confident.

Holocaust Butterfly Project


Oh Boy, Regret!

     I am filled with regret. If you were to know what I regret, you'd say it was stupid. But late at night my brain decides to bring up memories that I regret. Like, "remember that embarrassing thing you did on October 12, 2011 at 4:32pm?" I'm always so meticulous when it comes to memories. But there are other, more serious things that I regret. Things I either wish I didn't do, or I wish for others to forget. I regret screwing around with hot glue and burning my hand. I regret saying something stupid that one time. I regret withholding information. I regret lying. I suppose I regret not not going through with things the most. Whether it's dancing, playing an instrument, or singing. Sometimes I wish I could go back and continue with it. So now I'm always thinking, "go through with it. Don't be a quitter, k?" I guess with every bad things comes a good thing. Like learning from your mistakes. Learning from regret.

Nazi Propaganda

     This piece of  Propaganda  really caught my eye. I couldn't display it so there's a link. It shows a man and a serpent. The serpent represents the Jews and the man is probably a part of the Nazi party. The heading reads, "The Jewish Beast". If you notice, you can see that the serpent has symbols along Its top. There's a hammer and sickle which was used with the Russian revolution. The hammer represents labor and the sickle represents farming. You can also see the money symbol. That's probably there because it's a stereotype that Jews are penny-pinchers, the serpent also has a big nose which is also a Jewish stereotype. There's also another symbol that I can't really see. The man in the photo could be beating the serpent with a rock. This whole thing could be saying that Jews are bad, the nazis are the heros. This is intended for the citizens to brainwash them against Jews. Saying that they are serpent, which in the Christian bible represents t...

If I Could Spend the Day With a Celebrity

     If I could spend the day with a famous person, I would probably choose Galileo Galilei. I love space and science. We could point out constellations and talk about chemical compositions of stars. He could teach me Latin and we could discuss the mysteries of the universe. Since he's dead I'd teach him about all the new innovations in technology. I mean not even my friends would spend the day with me, why would a dead guy. Anyway, we could also talk about physics and philosophy. I would ask him about Italy and about the work he's done. It would be completely worth it to meet him. Who wouldn't want to meet a dead guy? He'd probably be mortified with my 21st century behavior .


     I like to be happy. You can interpret these in many ways, but I don't know why I'm drawn to them. -sweatshirts -acoustic versions of songs  -memes -calendars -the color red -Supernatural  -my friend, Anastaja -dream catchers -rocks -Irish springs soap -pictures you find at goodwill -numbers -my grandparents  -laughing until I cry -musicals -serial killers -the Fibonacci sequence  -blankets -the paranormal  -road trips -my dad -cough drops What makes you happy? 

Super Bowl Commercials

     The most inspiring, impactful, and interesting Super Bowl commercial I've ever seen had to have been the "puppy-monkey-baby" one. It just inspired me so much. It taught me that I can be a puppy-monkey-baby. Or a cow-potato-lizard, or a Bill-Monica-Hillary (I'll see myself out) It was truly benevolent . The company that aired the commercial was Mountain Dew. I couldn't expect anything more. I don't know why they would decide to put a puppy-monkey-baby in their commercial to advertise MountainDew. In all honesty, they did try too hard to connect with the internet. They think that generic weirdness will catch the younger generation attaention. It actually just creeped everybody out. I liked it. But it's also so funny how major corporations try to connect with the younger generation. It's funny how they try so hard. Treat yourself to a puppy-monkey-baby.


   The best advice any one has given me is to slow down. I always talk too fast, walk too fast, eat too fast, etc. And I think too fast. I need to just slow down. It was really helpful. Sometimes you just need somebody to tell you to slow down. I tried it and it was phenomenal . I was calm and could be focused. It's especially useful at night. I have insomnia which is caused by stress. I worry a lot at night. And if I can just slow my heart, thoughts, brain, I can fall asleep. I just slow down. 

My Worst Aurgument (With Danny DeVito)

     I dont really get into arguments. If I did I don't remember them because my memory is crap. So I'll make something up. It's the summer of 73' and me and Danny DeVito are sitting on the front steps of the ice cream shop. We start to talk about school and family, then all of the sudden, he says, "wait a minute, you stole my Johnny Bench baseball card, didn't you?" Why would I do that? It's his favorite card. I wondered why he would think that. He got so mad, his face turned red. I start to say that I didn't do it. Before you know it it's a heated argument over some card. He pushed me so I pushed him back. He then storms off. We didn't speak for a whole year and a half. I remember, in January of 1975, he comes up to me and says, "turns out, I forgot that I put my card in the birds nest in front of my house. Want to be friends again?" I evaluate  the situation, and I'm all for it and we resume our friendship. To celebrate we ...

Good Deeds

     We were supposed to write a blog about what good things we did over break. I didn't leave my room the entire time, so it was hard to do things for people. But, through some miracle, I managed to be nice. I woke up one aftern- I mean morning, I went downstairs and lo and behold, everyone was awake. I go and grab all the crappy foods I can find that would probably cause my liver to stop functioning , and just as I'm about to go back upstairs to waste my life, my mom says, "Sarah, go shovel the neighbors sidewalk." I'll tell you what, I wanted to lock myself in my room and cocoon myself in five comforters to escape the cold. But I obeyed Mommy Dearest and went out to shovel. It. Was. Cold. I don't know how my phalanges (favorite word) didn't fall off. My neighbor is an elderly, senile, sweet old guy. The snow was pretty heavy and my noodle arms were having a hard time handling the snow. Gene, my neighbor, came out with some tea and cookies and offered so...