Nazi Propaganda

     This piece of Propaganda really caught my eye. I couldn't display it so there's a link. It shows a man and a serpent. The serpent represents the Jews and the man is probably a part of the Nazi party. The heading reads, "The Jewish Beast". If you notice, you can see that the serpent has symbols along Its top. There's a hammer and sickle which was used with the Russian revolution. The hammer represents labor and the sickle represents farming. You can also see the money symbol. That's probably there because it's a stereotype that Jews are penny-pinchers, the serpent also has a big nose which is also a Jewish stereotype. There's also another symbol that I can't really see. The man in the photo could be beating the serpent with a rock. This whole thing could be saying that Jews are bad, the nazis are the heros. This is intended for the citizens to brainwash them against Jews. Saying that they are serpent, which in the Christian bible represents the devil. So this can easily effect the Christian population, which is the majority during the time. This is pretty effective. I actually really like this piece. It's pretty phenomenal.


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