The Easter Games

     Nothing says Easter like fighting to the death with the people you love. My immediate family isn't religious, but my extended family is. So we are courteous enough to celebrate. My Easter was pretty great. We don't get to see our extended family all that often to it was delightful to see them again. We ate the finest food I've ever had, it was turkey and homemade potatos (I've been living off ramen for the last month so this was a step up). We ate at 3:00, which is strange. I suppose that's the universal time to eat dinner when it's a holiday. After dinner, my cousins and I battled with foam swords and shields. It was like the roman times all over again. We jumped a few fences to get to the park, later on. At the park, we played a playground game called Woodchips, where the person that's "it" has to walk around with their eyes closed and try to tag someone. If you're touching the ground the the person called "woodchips!" Then the person who is touching the ground is now "it". It was really fun. It was a pretty spectacular Easter. I hope you had a good Easter or Passover or whatever too.


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