Life is Beautiful

     We recently watched the movie "Life is Beautiful" to tie off our Holocaust unit. As you might assume, the movie is about an Italian man and his family who get separated during the Holocaust. This movie reminded me of a poem we read back in the beginning of the unit called "Butterfly". It was written by a child living in a ghetto. I felt that the child who wrote it thought that the Holocaust was something only temporary and that everything would be okay, kind of like the child in the movie. The child in the movie and the children who wrote these poems also share similarities.
     The movie integrates humor and seriousness throughout. The father in the film pretends that the Holocaust is a game, and that if they get 1,000 points, they win. He is doing this to spare his son from fear. This alone shares humor and seriousness. The father even tells the son that they'll get extra points if the son hides when the officers call for the children to be put to death.
     In the film, life is shown as beautiful by showing the viewer that you mustn't take the ones you love for granted, because you'll never know hat could happen to them. It shows that you should love and cherish your family and friends and that you shouldn't take life for granted, and that's beautiful.


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