Good Deeds

     We were supposed to write a blog about what good things we did over break. I didn't leave my room the entire time, so it was hard to do things for people. But, through some miracle, I managed to be nice. I woke up one aftern- I mean morning, I went downstairs and lo and behold, everyone was awake. I go and grab all the crappy foods I can find that would probably cause my liver to stop functioning, and just as I'm about to go back upstairs to waste my life, my mom says, "Sarah, go shovel the neighbors sidewalk." I'll tell you what, I wanted to lock myself in my room and cocoon myself in five comforters to escape the cold. But I obeyed Mommy Dearest and went out to shovel. It. Was. Cold. I don't know how my phalanges (favorite word) didn't fall off. My neighbor is an elderly, senile, sweet old guy. The snow was pretty heavy and my noodle arms were having a hard time handling the snow. Gene, my neighbor, came out with some tea and cookies and offered some. I ran up those porch steps faster than the time I ran over the boarder. It was really good and after an hour, I was back inside, wasting my life. This just shows that a good deed pays off. In my case, that happened to be tea and cookies.


  1. Dear Sarah, I'm so happy you didn't freeze to death! I never have to shovel because my dad does it. Everyone on my block is either old, dead, or never leaves the house and I have to walk to school so soon I'll have to shovel myself. What time did you wake up? Also, what type of cookies did you get?

    1. Chocolate chip cookies. I think I woke up around 3pm.

    2. Lucky, chocolate chip cookies are amazing. Well.. until you bite into one and find out that it's actually oatmeal raisin.


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