
   The best advice any one has given me is to slow down. I always talk too fast, walk too fast, eat too fast, etc. And I think too fast. I need to just slow down. It was really helpful. Sometimes you just need somebody to tell you to slow down. I tried it and it was phenomenal. I was calm and could be focused. It's especially useful at night. I have insomnia which is caused by stress. I worry a lot at night. And if I can just slow my heart, thoughts, brain, I can fall asleep. I just slow down. 


  1. Dear Sarah,
    I have the same problem. I will start talking super fast which is why I slip up on my R's most of the time. I agree with telling yourself to calm down. I know how stress makes it impossible to sleep. I sometimes don't go to bed until 2:00 AM because I'm so stressed with trying to be a good daughter, a good student, a good friend, etc. My PE teacher taught me that meditating will help calm you down. If you don't do this yet, you should try it. Just close your eyes and take a few deep breathes. I do this a lot and it helps. Sometimes, you just gotta not go fast.


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