Call Me Creepy

     I'm a strange person with strange interests. It's weird. If you've read one of my posts from a few months back, you'll now that I have an interest with serial killers and unsolved cases. They're just so interesting. I make my parents worried because of my obsession. I mean, it's not like I'll become a serial killer...Right? When I told my dad I wanteded book called Encyclopedia of Serial Killers by Michael Newton, he was completely mortified. My favorite unsolved cases are of course, the Zodiac killer, and the Black Dahlia, but I also love the murder of      . It's all just so lovely. I am what you'd describe as creepy. You can call me creepy all you want, trust me I know.  Not only do I like the gore of the killers, I also love the psychology. It's so interesting to get into the mind of killers and find out what drove them to kill. If you're like me and want the book, you can get it of Amazon. Money well spent.


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