Super Bowl Commercials

     The most inspiring, impactful, and interesting Super Bowl commercial I've ever seen had to have been the "puppy-monkey-baby" one. It just inspired me so much. It taught me that I can be a puppy-monkey-baby. Or a cow-potato-lizard, or a Bill-Monica-Hillary (I'll see myself out) It was truly benevolent. The company that aired the commercial was Mountain Dew. I couldn't expect anything more. I don't know why they would decide to put a puppy-monkey-baby in their commercial to advertise MountainDew. In all honesty, they did try too hard to connect with the internet. They think that generic weirdness will catch the younger generation attaention. It actually just creeped everybody out. I liked it. But it's also so funny how major corporations try to connect with the younger generation. It's funny how they try so hard. Treat yourself to a puppy-monkey-baby.


  1. *Takes deep breathe* ...

    Boi. Have you ever seen yourself as a frog-Robby Rotten-bork? I feel like that would honestly fit you best. But hey, I don't know you that well so this is just coming from what I know.

    1. A super hybrid of memes and presidential scandal? YES

  2. Oh, you were not kidding...


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