
Showing posts from February, 2017

Nazi Propaganda

     This piece of  Propaganda  really caught my eye. I couldn't display it so there's a link. It shows a man and a serpent. The serpent represents the Jews and the man is probably a part of the Nazi party. The heading reads, "The Jewish Beast". If you notice, you can see that the serpent has symbols along Its top. There's a hammer and sickle which was used with the Russian revolution. The hammer represents labor and the sickle represents farming. You can also see the money symbol. That's probably there because it's a stereotype that Jews are penny-pinchers, the serpent also has a big nose which is also a Jewish stereotype. There's also another symbol that I can't really see. The man in the photo could be beating the serpent with a rock. This whole thing could be saying that Jews are bad, the nazis are the heros. This is intended for the citizens to brainwash them against Jews. Saying that they are serpent, which in the Christian bible represents t...

If I Could Spend the Day With a Celebrity

     If I could spend the day with a famous person, I would probably choose Galileo Galilei. I love space and science. We could point out constellations and talk about chemical compositions of stars. He could teach me Latin and we could discuss the mysteries of the universe. Since he's dead I'd teach him about all the new innovations in technology. I mean not even my friends would spend the day with me, why would a dead guy. Anyway, we could also talk about physics and philosophy. I would ask him about Italy and about the work he's done. It would be completely worth it to meet him. Who wouldn't want to meet a dead guy? He'd probably be mortified with my 21st century behavior .


     I like to be happy. You can interpret these in many ways, but I don't know why I'm drawn to them. -sweatshirts -acoustic versions of songs  -memes -calendars -the color red -Supernatural  -my friend, Anastaja -dream catchers -rocks -Irish springs soap -pictures you find at goodwill -numbers -my grandparents  -laughing until I cry -musicals -serial killers -the Fibonacci sequence  -blankets -the paranormal  -road trips -my dad -cough drops What makes you happy? 

Super Bowl Commercials

     The most inspiring, impactful, and interesting Super Bowl commercial I've ever seen had to have been the "puppy-monkey-baby" one. It just inspired me so much. It taught me that I can be a puppy-monkey-baby. Or a cow-potato-lizard, or a Bill-Monica-Hillary (I'll see myself out) It was truly benevolent . The company that aired the commercial was Mountain Dew. I couldn't expect anything more. I don't know why they would decide to put a puppy-monkey-baby in their commercial to advertise MountainDew. In all honesty, they did try too hard to connect with the internet. They think that generic weirdness will catch the younger generation attaention. It actually just creeped everybody out. I liked it. But it's also so funny how major corporations try to connect with the younger generation. It's funny how they try so hard. Treat yourself to a puppy-monkey-baby.


   The best advice any one has given me is to slow down. I always talk too fast, walk too fast, eat too fast, etc. And I think too fast. I need to just slow down. It was really helpful. Sometimes you just need somebody to tell you to slow down. I tried it and it was phenomenal . I was calm and could be focused. It's especially useful at night. I have insomnia which is caused by stress. I worry a lot at night. And if I can just slow my heart, thoughts, brain, I can fall asleep. I just slow down.