What My Name Means

.    My first name, Sarah, is a family name. It was my grandmas name, her grandmothers name, her mothers name. I inherited the name and I plan to pass it down. Sarah also means princess in Hebrew and noblewomen. My middle name is Grace. Nothing cool about that. But with a quick google search... it means "God's favor". My last name is Irish. Now this is a cool story.
     Way back when there was an Irish clan called the O'donoghue clan. They possessed a castle, now called the Ross Castle in County Kerry, Ireland. The castle has been owned my many other families throughout the years. I'm unsure about the exact time line of the clan but I can say that it was anywhere from 1700-1880. When my great grandpa came to American with the surename O'Donoghue, he has to change it to sound more American for better job opportunities. So that's my name. 


  1. Dear Sarah,
    wow, that sounds super cool. My name is just simple, It means Sweetheart in Greek. Your name seems to have a super cool story. It's also a very pretty name.

  2. The more you know...


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