New Years Intentions

     In honor of the New Years, I want to make some resolutions. Or in better words, intentions. I really want to be healthier and get in shape. I eat like crap, and I'm basically a potato. I plan to implement this by taking action in my life. I eat like utter crap. And I'm still out of shape, I wonder why. No muscle mass. Flabby. I'd like to start working out. Do more cardio, core workouts, and free weights. It sounds a little bit cliché but it's true. I would also like to stop being so hard on myself. I always think I'm worse than I actually am. I constantly over analyze everything. It's self destructive. So I'd like to fix these.


  1. I have an amazing solution for getting in shape. Before your go to sleep and right when you wake up, do 10 curl ups and 10 push ups. As you bet better at those, increase it by five. It will help your stamina and give your core a good workout. I can also tell you how to do the Cha Cha Slide workout or the Bruce Lee Abs' workout. They are so fun (well for people who have the humor of an instructor at ATA)


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