
Showing posts from December, 2016

New Years Intentions

     In honor of the New Years, I want to make some resolutions. Or in better words, intentions. I really want to be healthier and get in shape. I eat like crap, and I'm basically a potato. I plan to implement this by taking action in my life. I eat like utter crap. And I'm still out of shape, I wonder why. No muscle mass. Flabby. I'd like to start working out. Do more cardio, core workouts, and free weights. It sounds a little bit cliché but it's true. I would also like to stop being so hard on myself. I always think I'm worse than I actually am. I constantly over analyze everything. It's self destructive. So I'd like to fix these.

Best Gift I've Ever Recieved

     The best gift I've ever received was concert tickets to my favorite band, Panic! At The Disco. My dad bought me them for my birthday (even though it was in November but he bought them in March) when the time came we went and had a great time. It was in July. It was so fun to be there listening to my favorite music with my favorite person. It was an phenomenal experience. Live music is so much better than studio recorded. I loved it and was to grateful.

My Favorite Quote

     A new friend of mine told me the other day, "if you have one leg in the past, and one leg in the future, you're pissing all over the present."      I can relate to the immensely. I'm always worrying about the things I've done in the past. And constantly worried about my future, and never living in the moment. I'm sure someone else has said this quote, but it's the first time I've heard it. I go into "extesential crisis mode" pretty often. I'm thinking about how time only goes forward and there's no stopping it. I'm thinking about in inevitable mortality and that someday me and everyone I love will die. So instead of living my life and having fun, I'm sitting here willowing impn these thought. This quote opened my eyes and now I actually have something to go by. Something to label these feelings. But trust me, these feelings go way deeper, like I'm digging and digging.  But I prefer not to think about them, yet they s...

What My Name Means

.    My first name, Sarah, is a family name. It was my grandmas name, her grandmothers name, her mothers name. I inherited the name and I plan to pass it down. Sarah also means princess in Hebrew and noblewomen. My middle name is Grace. Nothing cool about that. But with a quick google search... it means "God's favor". My last name is Irish. Now this is a cool story.      Way back when there was an Irish clan called the O'donoghue clan. They possessed a castle, now called the Ross Castle in County Kerry, Ireland. The castle has been owned my many other families throughout the years. I'm unsure about the exact time line of the clan but I can say that it was anywhere from 1700-1880. When my great grandpa came to American with the surename O'Donoghue, he has to change it to sound more American for better job opportunities. So that's my name.