What I'm Grateful For

     Oh hey I'm finally making a post. What I'm grateful for is my bed. I know, sounds crazy (Sarah Koenig where you at?) It sounds like something a millennial would say but it's true. I'm grateful for it because it's my everything. It's my hideout, my safe haven. When I'm sad I can just build a mountain of blankets and crawl in the middle and mope. But when I'm happy I can cuddle up to the soft blankets and think about life. It's the source of my happiness. It's got great memories and feelings to it. Like my most favorite feeling; before my dad leaves for work in the morning he gives me his pillow. Everything is so cold when it's so warm. It's the best. And that's another thing, it's warm. My room feels like Antarctica. So when my bed is nice and warm against the coldness of my room, it's so comfortable. It's the source of my dreams and nightmares. It's got personality. It's where I can spend hours mindlessly scrolling through Instagram but also spend hours thoughtfully reading. That's why I'm crabby in the morning because I'm forced to leave my bed. That bed has my blood sweat and tears in it. It's another part of me. And I'm grateful for it.


  1. Dear Sarah,
    I am also grateful for my bed. I have found that the best place to make memes in curled up on my bed while listening to Hamilton scream about paying taxes for ten minutes straight. Do you have a shipping wall by your bed or am I the only one who does that?

    1. I do have a shipping wall. It's filled with all my favorite ships. Like the titanic, the britanica, the Nina, the queen Mary and much more.


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