Trips I've Been On (or want to go on)

     My fam and I don't travel. At all, really. So if I were to go on a trip, I'd want to go to Barrow, Alaska. Barrow, AK is in the arctic circle at the northern most tip of Alaska.
 I first heard about this place a few years ago. I read about how this town goes through months of darkness because of the seasons in the arctic circle. And it just interested me so much. The weird thing is, I hate the cold. I mean, I'm allergic to it. So I really can't say that the cold draws me to this place. But also, I can't really see the clear reason why I am drawn to this place. It just seems right...I guess. 
    So I would sacrifice 12 hours of my life on a crappy plane ride just to come to a barren landscape. Yeah, that seems like me. The place just seems so cool. I'd love to go there. And I bet the people there have such cool stories to tell. It'd be so interesting. On the bucket list


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