In Ten Years

     A personal goal of mine is education. I'd like to pursue my education as much as I can. So, in ten years, I'd like to see myself in college studying both neurology and psychology. I've always been fascinated by the brain and how it functions. Such as emotions, decisions, mental illness, and thought process. I just have always loved science and medicine. WIth my career and life as a whole, I'd like to make something of myself. I want to help people and make them feel good about themselves. I want people to know my name. But don't we all? I want to achieve those goals and I plan on doing so. BUt I'm afraid. Afraid I won't have time. I want to help out people but I never think about myself/feeling. And I don't want these habits to hold me back, but they do. 
     In addition to my goals, I'd also like to pursue music. I can play and I love to sing ( never said I was good at it). I don't know how I would. Whether it's a band or just a hobby. Music just gives me. A reason to keep moving. 
     I hope I can keep these goals for the years to come. Even if they change I'd still like to accomplish something of myself. Thanks for reading. 


  1. Dear sarah,
    You're gonna go far in life. I want to either be a wolf zoologist, animator, or writer (I want to destroy readers hearts just like what John Green did to me). What would you name your band if you had one?


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